My Fairground


The title above describes one of the calls made by Starlings. With this contribution I’ve chosen a poem which ‘fits’ the day’s theme rather than specifically using or taking inspiration from the prescribed book. BTW – from the chapters I’ve read, a wonderful read!

Day 4  – 

After Fever (Dec 2023)

My fathers voice sings through the filter of his home.
While the long inhale of cars sigh pass


A drill shifts pitch 
And the whine of a plane emerges 
Gurgles and whines louder. 

Hear a caldron
Of short whistles and half words,
Spat out vowels and bone clicks,
Trill trails, shushes and beeps.

Even the sound of my son 
firing his hand gun 
joins this chorus of friction. 

In the neighbours back garden 
Hidden between branch and leaf
Starlings roost, 
Reciting spells.

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