My Fairground

To be blessed said the Dog

Still playing catch up!

The Blessing of the Old Woman, the Tulip, and the Dog , a glorious poem to be inspired by, thank you Alicia Ostriker. My contribution below concerns more than three components. Is that a tedious enough link? Yessss! I should just concentrate on writing more poems.

Day Five – In threes!

Hair Cuts 

The waves are jostling in a gale
In a race to rise they collect themselves
Those that match each others speed and direction
Leave shallow traces.
Others push with equal force from opposing sides.
Using the bounce from the shore,
They greet the rolls of the tide.
Surging skywards forming blades of light.
Only to have their transparent crests dulled
Blown into white blossoms and lace spikes.
Fingers of dreadlocked foam
Curtains, bobs and crew tops.
Water, bouncy, brushed and combed.

And the waves that have dodged the style makers?
They hustle at the base of the curves
Collecting themselves
Waiting to be seen and heard.

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